Ostukorv on tühi
Tooteid kokku: 28 Kuvatud: 26-28 Leht: 2

Skaarhoj ETH-GPI Link

852.00 € Skaarhoj ETH-GPI Link, Ethernet to GPIO Controller, Connects and controls up to 8 broadcast devices such as tally lights, ATEM switchers, HyperDecks and more, Defining parameters - single or multi... Loe edasi

Skaarhoj ETH-GPI Link Dual

1149.00 € Skaarhoj ETH-GPI Link Dual, Ethernet to GPIO Controller, Connects and controls up to 16 broadcast devices such as tally lights, ATEM switchers, HyperDecks and more, Defining parameters - single or... Loe edasi

Skaarhoj TCP Link for ATEM

651.00 € Skaarhoj TCP Link for ATEM, TCP Interface, Enables integration of Blackmagic Design ATEM Switcher with AV systems such as Crestron and Extron, 1x RJ45 Ethernet, 1x USB 2.0 type Micro B, 1x DC In 1... Loe edasi

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